Tim Dudgeon wrote:
I need to retain the selections a user has made using a multi-select on one 
page by using hidden fields on the next page.

On the first page I have a

<html:select multiple="true" property="multiSelectProp" ...>

multi-select which is populating a String[] property of a form bean, and then 
on the second page I need to retain those selections using hidden fields. What 
is the syntax I need to use for the hidden fields to ensure that the String[] 
property gets set correctly by the BeanUtils magic?

Do I need to iterate through the values of the String[] and write out an 
indexed hidden field for each one?

Yep, except it needn't be written as an indexed field unless order is important. So, something like

  <logic:iterate name="MyForm" property="multiSelectProp" id="value">
    <html:hidden property="multiSelectProp" value="${value}"/>

will do it. If order *is* important, you'll need to include "[#]" on the end of the property name, where # will be the iteration number. Something like

  <logic:iterate name="MyForm" property="multiSelectProp"
      id="value" indexId="row">
    <html:hidden property="multiSelectProp[${row}]" value="${value}"/>

Note, I haven't tested either solution, but something along those lines is what you need.


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