Hello all,

I am facing a wierd problem in my application. I want to add an
ActionMessage in the ACTION (LoginAction) class and then display the
message in the JSP page. In the JSP page, the messages are found without a
problem (so my ApplicationResources.properties configuration is fine),
however while prinintg them, the string "???en_US" and "???" gets attached
to my message before and after respectively.


How do I get rid of these strings???

I searched the discussion-list for similar problems/solutions and found
this thread:


However, the solution in that threads talks about using the presentation
logic as follows:

 <html:messages id="errmsgs">
     <li><bean:write name="errmsgs"/></li>

But thats exactly how I am doing also. But for me it still gives the error.
Below is the configuration and code snippets that I am using:

In struts-config,xml
<message-resources parameter="myApp.ApplicationResources" null="false"/>

In LoginAction.java
if (username == null || username.trim().length() == 0){
      ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages();
      ActionMessage message = new ActionMessage("Username/Password cannot
be empty");
      messages.add("credentials.empty", message);

In the JSP page
<html:messages id="message" message="true">
 <div class="success">
   <bean:write name="message"/><br>

The output I get is
 ???en_US.Username/Password cannot be empty???

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