Greg Reddin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/04/2005 10:45:14 AM:
> Please don't let that stop you from sharing.  In the world of open 
> source we all learn from each other.  I'm sure the "experts" will be 
> happy to point out worst practices and the rest of us will be happy 
> to learn :-)

ok, I've finally stopped laughing ...;)))

I had a Struts web app that I wrote which was supposed to be an example 
for using the open source Shark as a workflow manager. When I fell for the 
JSF hoopla I rewrote that app with Shale, and it does work ok. I am more 
than willing to share that, however it is probably not a showcase for 
Shale as much as it is for Shark. I do have some extra time just now 
(between projects) so this is in fact a good time for me to do an example 
Shale app - and if I am brave enough i can contribute what I have (may 
have to go into hiding afterwards..)

> Greg


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