
1- create one layout.jsp:

<%@ taglib uri=""; 
prefix="tiles" %>

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0">
<table width="794" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td colspan="2"><tiles:insert attribute="header"/></td>
  <tr >
    <td width="30%"  valign="top"><tiles:insert attribute="left"/></td>
    <td ><tiles:insert attribute="body"/></td>

2 - add following entry in struts-config.xml
If you want you can use your own action, in that case you have to provide 
method and forward name also. if you want more detail about this let me 

3 - add following entry in tiles-def.xml
<!DOCTYPE tiles-definitions PUBLIC
       "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Tiles Configuration 1.1//EN"
<!-- Definitions for Tiles documentation   -->
  <!-- Main page layout used as a root for other pages defintion.   -->
   <definition name="site.mainLayout" path="/common/layout.jsp">
      <put name="title"     value="Home Title" />
      <put name="header"    value="/header.jsp" />
      <put name="left"      value="/leftMenu.jsp" />
  <definition name="global.test" extends="site.mainLayout" >
      <put name="body"      value="/test.jsp" />

4- add following link in your jsp:
  <html:link  action="/test">Test Link</html:link>

try it and let me know if you have  any issue.


Greg Reddin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
01/10/2005 03:23
Please respond to
"Struts Users Mailing List" <>

"Struts Users Mailing List" <>

Re: Action mapping to a Tile

Are you using the TilesRequestProcessor?  In struts-config.xml:


Also make sure the Tiles Plugin is configured:

     <plug-in className="org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin" >

       <!-- Path to XML definition file -->
       <set-property property="definitions-config"
                        value="/WEB-INF/tiles-defs.xml" />
       <!-- Set Module-awareness to true -->
       <set-property property="moduleAware" value="true" />


On Sep 30, 2005, at 4:47 PM, Graham Reeds wrote:

> I'm trying to set an action mapping to a tile.
> I have a jsp page with a link to Tester: <a href="pages/ 
> Tester">Test</a>
> In my struts-config.xml I have a forward mapped: <action 
> path="pages/Tester" forward="" />
> And in tile-def.xml I have defined:
> <definition name="" extends="Main.layout">
>   <put name="title" value="Test" />
> </definition>
> However this gives a 404 for the page test/pages/Tester
> I thought it might be that the application hasn't been updated so I 
> stopped and restarted Tomcat and that had no effect - still 404's.
> Anything else I need to check?
> Thanks Graham Reeds.
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