Any comments on this? What about IDE's support for Shale? What about IDE
visual navigation configuration ? (where you place little boxes in a canvas,
join them with arrows and the IDE configures faces-config navigation rules)


-----Original Message-----
From: Guillermo Meyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Martes, 04 de Octubre de 2005 09:05 a.m.
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Using IDEs with Struts + JSF + Struts Faces


I read some blogs (by Craig) that shows different paths to migrate from
Struts to JSF. I thing the most convenient for my particular case is to use
the StrutsFaces integration library, using Struts Actions as the Controller
and rewriting Struts JSPs with JSF JSPs.. In this way, we can use JSF rich
components for creating a RIA and in the meantime leveraging Struts
investment and know-how of my team. Besides, this integration library let me
to migrate in a per-use-case basis (that's is not to change the entire UI
but changing UC y UC).

JSF is a new Technology, event driven, component based, with (I hope) a lot
of industry support and one of the key differentiators is the possibility of
using a powerful IDE (like Sun Studio Creator or JDeveloper) to create UI by
corporate developers very quickly, using a WYSIWYG approach.


My question is: Does Struts Faces integration library works well with JSF
IDEs like sun Studio Creator or JDeveloper? Is there some "requisite" for
Struts application to meet in order to fit in these IDEs environment? For
example, if I double-click in a JSF Command Button, Studio Creator opens a
backing bean action method for me, but in my case, this backing bean should
be a Struts Action, isn't it?

Should I "sell" to my manager this migration by telling him that he will be
able to use these IDEs?


Thanks in advance.


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