On 10/7/05, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think we unintentionally hijacked a thread, so just in case we discuss
> any further, a topic change is probably in order...

Tell me about hijacking ;)

On 10/7/05, Leon Rosenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But I'm absolutely with you, if you say that the layer should only
> throw general-style exception to the caller. The caller isn't
> interested why an operation can't be performed, if the db ran out of
> disk space or is simply tired. The caller is interested in:
> was the call sucessful?

Well, thinking about it, it is not that different from real life.
(I hope I did not post this joke before)
  Army garrison. A Colonel walks around the regimen,
  and sees a soldier, polishing his boots with red shoe polish.
  He approaches and asks:
  - Soldier, what are you doing?
  - You don't give a damn about that,- replies soldier
  - What? Answer as required!
  - Sir, the garrison is out of black shoe polish, so we are using
    red polish for out boots, sir!
  - I don't give a damn about that!- shouts the colonel out.
  - Yes, this is what I just said.

So, the caller does not care what exactly happened, it cares in resolving it :-)


P.S. The last soldier's reply does not exist in original joke, but
many people I told it to could not get the joke without it ;-)

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