>It is very usual that we open a connection to the database at the beginning
>of the Action class and then close it at the end. When an >exception
>an exception-handler outside of our Action class (in which >the exception
>thrown) handles the exception. Then, what happens to the >connection? We
>weren't able to close it, so does it continue to allocate a >connection
>the pool?
in the finally clause, check if the connection was opened, if it was, close
it. IMHO, it might be better to open and close your connection in the method
that make the call to the DB which would be synchronized for security sake.

>My other question is about the connection pooling itself. Are there any
>tools or ideas to monitor the sanity of the connection pool? Are we somehow
>able to find the classes where leakage occur?

not sure what you mean by leakage but I use Hibernate so I'm not concerned
anymore about inner problems.

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