At 1:44 PM +0800 10/18/05, Tony Lu wrote:
I need to create an internationalized Web application by struts,mysql and
Each component Character Encoding is utf8.
 It runs well when I run a pure servlet to save 'Chinese Character' to
database and load it from database.
But when I implement it with struts action, the application can not save
Chinese correctly.
 I really don't know why struts action can not work well. I am sure there is
no difference between them.

By the time that your action class is executing, Struts has already read from the request input stream (to populate the ActionForm).

In any web application, if you want to set the request character encoding, you must arrange to do it before any code will read from the request input stream. The best way to do this in a Servlet 2.3 or later web environment is to use a ServletFilter. In fact, most of the worked examples of writing ServletFilters on the web are to solve this problem.

You could also do it by extending RequestProcessor (or TilesRequestProcessor, if you use Tiles) and overriding the processPreprocess method. However, in Struts 1.3 the processPreprocess method is no longer used. Using a ServletFilter will apply to any application you write in any Struts version, or with a non-Struts approach.


 Is there anywhere to set character encoding for action? Please help!!!!!
  ------------------------------Pure Servlet ( It runs well)
public class UtfTest extends HttpServlet {
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
throws ServletException, IOException {

String description = request.getParameter("description");
description = (description == null?"":description.trim());

ItemDAO itemDao = ItemDAO.getInstance();
Item item = new Item();
}catch(Exception e){

------------------------------Action for struts ----------------------------

public class TestAction extends Action{
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res) throws Exception {

String description = req.getParameter("description");
description = (description == null?"":description.trim());
ItemDAO itemDao = ItemDAO.getInstance();
Item item = new Item();

// Determine which action forward should be returned
return mapping.findForward("success");
}catch(Exception e){

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