Deva Pitchai(NatureSoft) wrote:
How are you getting the data from your database into your form? If you're using an ActionForm and you have primitive typed properties (float, for example) the easiest quick-fix would be to use the corresponding wrapper type (e.g. Float).

wht u guessed is right. I will try to use the wrapper class

OK. You might also want to consider using String rather than a number type like Float.

The reason is, you can then redisplay invalid data for the user to correct. For example, if the user types in 'xyz' validation should fail. If you have the form property type as Float, you now can't redisplay that input (because a Float object can't represent the entered value, 'xyz'). With a String, the form will redisplay with the incorrect value along with your validation error message, so the user can see what he entered wrong.


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