Please look at the following code:
 <c:forEach var="paymentDetails" items="${studentEnrollment.paymentDetails}"
 studentEnrollment is a bean that I have attached to the DynaActionForm that
is configured. That bean has a Set called paymentDetails.
I intend to iterate over this HashSet and its just not working. Its not even
entering the loop.
 A little hack that makes the above work however is when I write extra (less
elegant code) like:

DynaActionForm dynaForm = (DynaActionForm) request.getAttribute
StudentEnrollment se = (StudentEnrollment) dynaForm.get

Set paymentDetails = se.getPaymentDetails();
 <c:forEach var="paymentDetails" items="${paymentDetails}" >
 1) this code is in-elegant
2) While the loop is being entered, when this form is being "submitted" to
the action class, any details attached to text boxes for each
'paymentDetails row' is not being passed back anyways! :(
 Can someone tell me what I am conceptually wrong. I am relatively new to
using Struts.
 Thanks in Advance.

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