On 10/11/05, Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kjersti Berg wrote:
> > The html:textarea will escape html special characters to html
> > entities. Inputing an & will give a string with &amp;. Fair enough.
> > But why does inputting a < or > give you &amp;lt; instead of &lt; ?
> Probably as a result of how you're using it; maybe you have nested tags
> leading to the HTML escaping happening twice? Can you post a short
> example that demonstrates the problem you're seeing?

You were right. After recieving the input I wrote it using the
bean:write tag. That would write &amp; as I expected, but would also
transform &lt; to &amp;lt;. Adding the filter="false" attribute to the
write tag made it function as I intended.


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