Eric Plante wrote:

I have a div on autoscroll that contains multibox. Here's the code

<div id="motUrlLst" class="motLst">
  <logic:iterate id="mot" name="PandoraForm" property="motTreeMap">
<html:multibox property="motSelectLst" style="width: 10px;height: 10px" onclick="autoPostBack('motSelectLst;' + this.value);">
         <bean:write name="mot" property="key"/>
<span class="mot" onclick='remplirChampsMot("<bean:write name="mot" property="key"/>")'>
             <bean:write name="mot" property="value" filter="false"/>

It works fine when the vertical scroll bar is needed but instead of applying the horizontal, the text change line which is annoying.

Any idea how the problem could be solved?


This is nothing to do with Struts, it's just how the HTML render model works. I'm sure there are other solutions, but the two I'd look at to start would be setting nowrap or minwidth on the div in its CSS rules.


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