> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Duffy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 4:47 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: [OT] JSF Interface Design - Is it Truly Limited?
> I know there are some leading edge JSF and Shale gurus who
> monitor this list.

I would hope so too, but wouldn't you get more responses with a
JSF-specific list?  Anyway, you did send this to the Struts list, so
I'm gonna respond even though I'm not a JSF guru.

> I have a basic
> question:  Can rich web application interfaces be created in JSF?

I've seen demos, so my guess the answer is "yes".

> I've looked at MyFaces and Tomahawk
> (http://myfaces.apache.org/).  The source code that can be
> found in the examples at http://www.irian.at/myfaces/home.jsf
> is perplexing.  I see data tables, panel groups, and panel
> grids for the page layout.  I do not see standards based CSS
> design.  I don't see how you could create rich web
> application interfaces with externalized styles using JSF components.

Well, you changed the qualifiers now.  Earlier the question was just
"Can I?"  Now it's "Can I, with externalized styles?"

Anyway, JSF is a component-oriented framework, and a higher level of
abstraction than Struts.  Because of that, it's not surprising that
you lose some lower-level control.  I guess you'd just have to be
careful with which set of components you use.  Choose those that'll
give you access to the lower-level functions that matter to you.

> I know the concept is that JSF components can be "rendered"
> for different viewing devices; however, I'm not sure the
> creators of JSF really thought through the process of how
> most web applications are created.  I think the usual case is
> that a mock up of the web interface is created by marketing
> execs and web designers, then that mock up is "wired" by
> software engineers (in our case we use Struts for the
> wiring).  CSS design is very advanced (see:
> http://www.csszengarden.com/).  It is unrealistic to think
> companies are going to retrain their web designers on a new
> technology that is less capable then the one they are currently using.

I think the target was "corporate developers", but I'm not sure if
this was the target for JSF or for Creator (the IDE).  Again, I think
it's a matter of what your components allow you to do.

> As a specific example, the use of such tags in JSF as,
> "<f:verbatim><br></f:verbatim>" is horrible.

Well, it's a higher level of abstraction.  It's like, when in your
Action, you need to call getServlet().someMethod(), whereas before you
just called someMethod() directly from your servlet method.  Is this a
poor metaphor?  I think it's pretty close.  The higher the level you
go to, the farther could get from low-level things you used to take
for granted.

> Please share some guiding thoughts.  Especially, if you have
> a link to some cool example pages created with JSF, I'd like
> to see them.

I remember liking the ICEfaces demos
(http://www.icesoft.com/products/demos_icefaces.html), but it turns
out they "look" close to other JSF widgets I've seen.  Well, I tend to
think that components will allow me to control style values.  I guess
I'll have to see.  Right now though, I'm thinking innocent till proven

> Thx.
> Mike

Like I said, I'm not a guru.  I'm just sharing an opinion.


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