No one??

11/15/2005 04:15 PM
Please respond to
"Struts Users Mailing List" <>


indexed properties and validation

I've got a form with an indexed propety contained in an array list, with 
values such as ssn. It has four accessor methods
List getDependents()
DependentForm getDependent(int i)
void setDependents(List l)
void setDependent(int i, DependentForm form)

The validator makes an ActionError with a key of dependents[x].ssn if 
there's an error for a given row's ssn, but when the the html tags check 
errorStyleClass (or any of the others) it checks for dependent[x].ssn. 
>From what I understand this is common knowledge and the solution is to 
call both sets of getters and setters the same thing. However, I dont like 

the method signatures. I was wondering if anyone found a solution to this 
other than changing the method signatures.


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