My actionForm has an ArrayList of objects that I display in my JSP for update 
using indexed properties (see below JSP code):

                <logic:iterate id="objectVO" name="FormConfig" 
property="objectCollection" type="">

                <html:text name="objectVO" property="stringProperty" 
indexed="true" />

                <html:text name="objectVO" property="intProperty" 
indexed="true" />


My Action Form looks like this:

                public ArrayList getObjectCollection() {return 

                public void setObjectCollection(ArrayList p_ObjectCollection) 
{objectCollection= p_ObjectCollection;}

                public void setObjectVO(int index, MyType  p_object) 
{objectCollection.set(index, p_object);}

                public MyType getObjectVO(int i) {return (MyType) 

The object class has a String property and an int property.

The information gets displayed properly and updated properly when valid data is 
entered. However, if the user enters a non-numeric value for the intProperty 
field, the int property in the object in the ArrayList in my actionForm gets 
set to 0. Is there a way to trap this situation or to a way to avoid this from 

Thanks for your help


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