
First of all, congratz on the good job. Shale looks very promising. We are
currently implementing JSF in my organization. I already knew about Shale
but I hadn't checked its progress in a while and I must say I am impressed
so far. Actually, I stumbled upon the project while I was looking for a way
to build in a quick way new UI components. The idea of creating 3 different
classes each time to be able to aggregate some already existing UI
components didn't sound particulary attractive. And that's how I found the
"goodies" of Shale.

Anyway, to make it short, I am experimenting Clay's feature right now but I
am a little bit confused. There seems to be a bit of overlap between Tiles
and Clay features? Am I correct? And if it's true, is it a better choice to
keep using Tiles as my layout manager or should I do it the Tapestry's way
and treat everything as a UI component with the help of Clay?

Another thought that keeps rambling through my head is a question concerning
the backing beans design. I have red on many blogs entries that one of the
greatest strength of JSF is the fact that the backing beans don't have to
implements any interfaces. But if you want to take advantage of Shake "page
level" services infrastructure (the view package), your beans have to
implement the ViewController interface. Don't get me wrong, I think those
services are great tools but I was wondering if all the beans should be
"ViewController" instances or just when it is absolutly necessary? Finally,
another concern I have with this approach is that it's kind of suggesting
you to write one bean for each page of the application (using a 1:1
mapping). From all the research I have done in the JSF area, I have not been
able to find a consensus about wich approach to use when designing backing
bean. Actually, it's hard to find some documentation on backing beans design
but I think it's one of the challenges Struts developpers (as I am) face
when moving to JSF. I would like to hear from the Shale users or/and
developpers their opinion on the subject? Any advantage or downside?

Thank for any hints! Really appreciated!

*Sorry for any mistakes I made but english isn't my native language.

Alexandre Poitras
Québec, Canada

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