
    I have a problem using LookupDispatchAction. I already tried
looking for the solution on Google, this list archive and other
resources but I wasn't able to fix the problem. Maybe some of you can
help me.

    My action extends LookupDispatchAction and implements the
getKeyMethodMap() method. In my ApplicationResources.properties file I
define all the keys for the buttons that can be shown in my
interfaces. Everything seems to be ok but every time I try to access
my pages I receive the following error:
"javax.servlet.ServletException: Action[/pesquisaIngrediente] missing
resource 'comando.iniciar' in key method map".

    I did everything as shown in the LookupDispatchAction's javadoc
but the application doesn't work. Can someone help me with this
frustrating error?


Matheus Eduardo Machado Moreira

Belo Horizonte - MG
(31) 8724-8041

Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Plataform 1.4
"Valeu a pena? Tudo vale a pena
Se a alma não é pequena."

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