2005/12/6, Jim Reynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> If I put a object into the request, and switched protocols, the
> request object was no longer found? Since most struts work has

I see that when sslext switches from a protocol to another what is
really happening is: a redirect is sent in the response to the user.
So the client performs another request with the swapped protocol. So:

1-The client send a request with the first protocol
2-The server send a redirect to the client
3-The client sends a new request with the second protocol

The original request is lost in 2, so if you put something in the
request before 2, that may be lost as well. I said 'may' because, if I
remeber well, sslext itself saves the request object in the session
and when the new user request arrives restores the old request
appending it as a query string on the new one. This is a behaviour not
always good if you are coming out from a secure page (as may be the
case when you perform a login) because I noticed that sometimes,
exiting from a secure login session, you can see the username and
password in the browser url. I resolve it with an addictional redirect
(using a JSP forwarding to another, but there are many ways) to clean
the request query string before leaving a secure channel.

Even if sometimes the usage of sslext is a bit tricky, I think it
works well for many things and I use it in my commercial applications.


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