On 12/15/05, Rivka Shisman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > When I use in my struts-config.xml the line: <!DOCTYPE struts-config > PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration1.2//EN" > "http://struts.apache.org/dtds/struts-config_1_2.dtd"> - it works while > running the application but not in my IDE when the apache site is down.
You should be able to map the public identifier and/or the URL to the local copy, without changing the doctype declaration. (It's the public identifier, starting with "-//Apache..." that the framework is using to register its own local copy, that's why changing it breaks your app.) So try telling Eclipse that "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.2//EN" is mapped to /path/to/struts-config_1_2.dtd . Here's the best reference I've found on what all the parts of a doctype declaration mean: http://www.blooberry.com/indexdot/html/tagpages/d/doctype.htm And one on XML Catalogs (just ignore the DocBook-specific parts): http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/Catalogs.html -- Wendy --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]