On 12/22/05, fea jabi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, Laurie. that worked.
> why is JSTL prefered over the logic tags? is there any doc I can read
> about
> the same?
> Thanks.

A couple of reasons I (as the original developer of the logic tags :-)
prefer the JSTL versions:

* The expression syntax for JSTL's logic tags is much more powerful
  and concise.

* JSTL provides the equivalent of a "switch" statement in Java or C
  for dealing with if/else or if-elseif-elseif-else type scenarios.  Struts
does not.
  See the <c:choose>, <c:when>, and <c:otherwise> tags.

* The JSTL tags are provided by the container, and can potentially be
  performance optimized by the container provider.

* The JSTL expression syntax is now (as of JSP 2.0) available everywhere
  in a JSP page, not just in tags that understand the syntax.

* The JSTL syntax is very similar to the JSF expression syntax, so if you
  ever switch to using JSF for your view technology, you won't have to
  learn a new expression language syntax.

The Struts logic tags preceeded JSTL, but they have basically been
superceded by the standard functionality.  They're still in the library
primarily for backwards compatibility.


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