Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
Sorry to not reply sooner Peter... my web host has been under a major DoS attack today, my mail just came back up a minute or so ago.

Well that ok because I am now official on holiday (vacation ;-)

Pilgrim, Peter wrote:

Hi Frank et Al

I am not sure if the latest 1.0 current version of JavaWebPart
actually distributes the right libraries.
If looks like ``javawebparts_core.jar'' has the wrong base dir.

It contains strangs paths that look incorrect e.g `javawebparts\core\org\apache\commons\beanutils'.
I would have thought it should have been `


Those paths actually *are* correct... a few releases back we rolled in some Commons code so that there would be no external dependencies (except for Commons Logging, which we left external to try and alleviate any classloaded issues that might arise). To do this, the packages were modified so that org/apache/commons/* is under javawebparts/core.

Ok that makes sense then. Maybe when people switch Maven 2 then this
dependency issues can be worked out.

In order to build the type suggestion, what are the correct jars
to include. I thought it was ``javawebparts_core.jar'' and ``javawebparts_taglibs.jar''. Now I get a strange deployment error like Error: Could not load asds: weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspException: (line 6): Error in using tag library uri='/tags/javawebparts_ajaxtags.tld' prefix='ajax': cannot find tag class: 'javawebparts.taglib.ajaxtags.AjaxEventTag'

I downloaded the 1.0 beta release version. I found that the binary
release included *.class in the javawebparts_taglib.jar file.
Also, I checked the javawebparts_core.jar file. This was fine.

I think there is problem with the `make_jars' in the ant build. I found
that running that ant target (re-)created all the jars, but the `javawebparts_taglib.jar' contained only the TLD and Weird.

That's right, only the core (which is always required) and the taglib jars should be required.

Yes I had a look at the cookbook examples (both of them). I deployed
them both to Weblogic and there both worked no problem at all. I think
I had to manually create a WAR files for both examples using `jar'.

I'm confused though... are you trying to build the cookbook apps or the sample app, or your own app? It *looks* like a simple classpath issue, the taglib jar doesn't look to be found by Weblogic. You can also take a look in your server logs... Every class in JWP does a dependency check at classload and will report via System.err any dependencies (outside the JDK) that it can't find. I actually burned myself a week or so ago trying to use the Chain implementation and forgot to include the code JAR, and for a few hours my webapp was just silently not starting up, no errors or anything. I finally figured it out (D'oh!) and decided *that* wasn't going to happen again :)


I am trying to add javawebparts to the current Struts project for my client at work. I am truying add to auto completion (Google Suggest) for a couple administration screen in the application. I followed the instructions in the JavaDoc for the taglib. Unfortunately I could not deploy the application to Weblogic because somehow the taglibs were not being found. Somehow the project does not find the Javawebparts classes at all. I tried various things yesterday like playing around with the URI. Making sure that it was maps a taglib in the web.xml. I checked the build WAR that both libraries javawebparts_{taglib,core}.jar were being included in WEB-INF/lib.

Away from work I think this is classpath issue of some time. I bet
I have to set up the libraries in EAR as well, because of something
I found unusual in WebLogic 8.1 that my client uses. In Weblogic
that EAR classloader takes precedence over the WAR classloader.
So if there is class dependency in javawebparts that requires
a JAR loaded in the EAR classloader, then it fail of course.

The other weird thing, at work I use MyEclipse 4.0 and Eclipse 3.1 and
MyEclipse could not recognise the <ajax:event> or <ajax:enable> custom tags and it flagged them as unknown tags. The Struts tags are unknown.
This should have been a big clue to me, that something was wrong.
MyEclipse is normally very good at picking up any custom TLD. However it just underlinedin yellow any <ajax:*> tags. Crap, I dont know what is wrong until I get back to work in January 2006.

Frank, Could you check your distribution release is correct in the meantime? Could you write a very simple HOWTO and how to incorporate
AjaxTags with Struts?

Peter Pilgrim
           __ _____ _____ _____
          / //__  // ___// ___/   +  Serverside Java
         / /___/ // /__ / /__     +  Struts
        / // ___// ___// ___/     +  Expresso Committer
     __/ // /__ / /__ / /__       +  Independent Contractor
    /___//____//____//____/       +  Intrinsic Motivation
On Line Resume
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