fea jabi wrote:
I am using html:multibox in my jsp.

I am not sure when the reset method is needed. Not sure if I have to use it. I have declared my formbeans in config file itself. If I have to use how to use that?

Multibox is just another way of managing checkboxes, so the same caveats apply as with any other checkbox backing property: if you want to be able to recognize when a checkbox is de-selected, you must arrange for the backing property to be set to false before it's populated from the request.

I am having the below code now to display a group of checkboxes in a column of a table.

    <form-property name="Items" type="java.util.ArrayList"/>
       <form-property name="SelectedItems" type="java.util.ArrayList"/>

Your from bean doesn't have a type declared. That's not going to work, since Struts can't know what class to instantiate if you don't tell it.


In prepare Action

LabelValueBean lblValueBean1 = new LabelValueBean("Visa1", "V1");
LabelValueBean lblValueBean2 = new LabelValueBean("MasterCard1", "M1");

ArrayList misList = new ArrayList();

ArrayList selectedList = new ArrayList();

form.set("Items", misList);
form.set("SelectedItems", selectedList);

<logic:iterate id="item" property="Items">
  <html:multibox property="selectedItems">
        <bean:write name="item" property="value"/>
        <bean:write name="item" property="label"/>


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