Hello again,

I found that the request data are still available into the second action.
I can get my parameter data from the request and not from the form
object into my execute method.

Instead of doing this in normal case :

ProListSelectionForm proListSelectionForm = (ProListSelectionForm)form;
String myId= proListSelectionForm.getId();

I must do this :

            myId = request.getParameter("myid");

It seems that the TilesRequestProcessor doesn't redispatch the
form-bean to my second action.
I need confirmation from a struts expert about this strange topic.


2006/1/4, hicham abassi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> I have 2 struts modules.
> One for a list screen : proList
> Other for the complete project module : pro
> Both have separated struts config files.
> Code samples :
> -------------------------------
> struts module proList
> -------------------------------
> <action path="/proViewListViewRelay"
>            name="proListSelectionForm"
>            scope="request"
>            validate="false"
>            parameter="dispatch"
>            type="xxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.struts.action.RelayAction">
> <forward name="edit" contextRelative="true" path="/pro/proViewListEdit.do"/>
> .....
> </action>
> -------------------------
> struts module pro
> --------------------------
> <action path="/proViewListEdit"
>            type="xxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.struts.action.ProViewListEditAction"
>            name="proListSelectionForm"
>            scope="request"
>            validate="false">
>  <forward name="success" path="/proNewRequestInit.do"/>
> </action>
> I lost my form-bean from proViewListViewRelay action to proViewListEdit 
> action.
> When i debug the project, i see that the
> TilesRequestProcessor.processActionPerform method well receive the
> form-bean proListSelectionForm but doesn't retransfer this form-bean
> to the next action.
> In fact, for this specific workflow, i don't use tiles definition.
> It's just a classical forward between 2 actions located for each,into
> separated modules.
> What's the way to have my form bean initialized into my second action ?
> I don't know if is it a struts 1.1 tiles bug.
> I don't use custom RequestProcessor, just the struts default one.
> I'm using Struts 1.1 version.
> Thanks
> --
> hicham ABASSI


hicham ABASSI

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