On 1/6/06, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, January 6, 2006 1:01 pm, Michael Jouravlev said:
> > Rrright. You want to save on network bandwidth by validating in
> > browser. At the same time we have Ajax "suggest"-type junk growing in
> > popularity, where server is pulled each time a user hits a button.
> Well, not *each* time a key is pressed... look at the code for Google
> Suggests and you will see they do a really cool thing where they throttle
> the number of requests based on how fast you are typing.  It's not a 1:1
> call per keypress unless you are typing really slow.
> (My own AjaxTags example doesn't do this, but hey, Google has Ph.D's to
> spare whereas I don't have even one!)

The above was not meant to be an attack on you (do you have
suggest-type thing?) ;-)) Google has also bandwidth and number of
connections to spare ;-)

> > Nah. Imho, client-side validation should be minimal. Empty/non-emty,
> > proper length. Maybe some simple data conversion check like is it a
> > number or a valid email. Yes, it is not DRY and redundant because the
> > final validation is done on the server anyway, but user's Athlon 64
> > needs some code to chew. Everything more complex than above, including
> > custom error messages, inter-field dependencies, etc is checked on
> > server. It will be checked on server anyway, because user's browser is
> > in the open, whoever can change the validation rules or turn them off
> > or turn Javascript off.
> Best practices have dictated for a long time that any validation that
> occurs on the client should also occur on the server.  But, the more you
> can pull off on the client, the more responsive and user-friendly your
> application will usually be.

...and the larger the Javascript file gets. If validation still has to
be done on server, how do you compare (1) one-time (hopefully) load of
a large Javascript validation file for client-based validation, with
(2) going back to the server and updating a relatively small page
region without full page reload? [ I have my Ajax now too, :-) ] The
latter is simpler for me. Is it better? It is not much worse than
former I would say, but a lot simpler, and I do not have to duplicate
Java validation in Javascript.

> If you combine an ActionForm with an Action, what happens if you want to
> give that combined object session scope?  Would you then store the entire
> thing in session?  I would assume so.  That seems like a (potentially) big
> waste of resources.

Why? The code and class definition are loaded only once. Where the
resources are wasted?

> > Advertising ActionForm as a request parameter holder in Struts best
> > practices is a mistake imho. It can be used as an input/output buffer,
> > as this kind of layer that you talk about. Apparently, it should have
> > session scope ;) and implement Serializable.
> I would make the argument that session-scope for an ActionForm is the
> abomination.  There should be something else, and I'm not sure I know
> what, that gets stashed in session scope.

I am pretty happy with ActionForm in session ;)

> If an ActionForm is thought of
> ONLY as a buffer as you say, a DTO between presentation and control
> basically, Struts seems a lot cleaner all of a sudden.

Um, a lot cleaner (1) if it contains only request parameters
per-request as it is bieing recommended to be used now, or (2) if it
contains I/O data between requests during conversation with a user,
including wrong input values and error messages?

> Of course, that
> then leaves a lot of questions about how you persist user entries and
> such, and I admit I don't have a good answer there.

The main drawback of session-scoped ActionForm is that I can have only
one of each kind. Does not work well with several windows opened.
Couple of years ago I was doing a little different, i had a list of
session-scoped presentation objects that contained I/O values and
errors. So I could have one action form and several session-scoped I/O
objects related to it. But then I decided to abandon this, too complex
to manage and users don't usually open secondary windows themselves.


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