Rick Reumann wrote:

> Actually you bring up one of the reasons I'm not in love JSF at the
> moment. I know most people like the idea of using pre-built or custom
> renderers and get all googly eyed over the nice things you can get
> out-of-the-box from MyFaces or Oracle ADF, but I guess I'm still
> old-school and like the control of building the front end how I want
> with simple JSTL and html.

There is no ideal approach, but in the jsf world probably using
the jsf-html which can be obtained in conjunction with some client side
componentization library
is a viable approach of having full control without having to mess with
verbatim in and out.

You do not have to forget, that JSF is much more than a html mvc tech it
is built as a general purpose library for server side rendered user
interfaces with strong emphasis on componentization.
So if you want to have full control over high level components like
datatable, you simply will only get it to the degree, the component
allows it. But nothing prevents you from adding another library which
can provide the functionality you need explicetly for html or from using

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