Melih U. Unsal wrote:
I am developing a web application with jsp and struts. (i am developing with websphere studio application developer).

My question is about forwarding between pages. I have 2 jsp pages. First one is "user.jsp" and the other one is "useraddress.jsp"

My first page (user.jsp) will show a user (only one user) in my database when loaded. I don't have problem with that, i can show the user on my user.jsp page.

At this page i can edit the user's "name" and "surname" values if i want to update these information. But If i want to edit "address" information of user, i have to that in another jsp page and for that i want to use "useraddress.jsp" page. I want that when i click a button on my "user.jsp" ,"useraddress.jsp" page will be loaded and show the address information of user and provide me to update the address information. Then turn back to "user.jsp". How can i do that?

How can i show the "useraddress.jsp" page when i clicked a button on my "user.jsp". Which button must i use? (submit or another....). What can i do to not to lose information of user when i turned back to "user.jsp" from "useraddress.jsp"?

You might want to read through the Struts User's Guide to familiarize yourself with the basics. This is all pretty straight forward. The only bit you might find difficult if you're new to this is preserving the data from one form while displaying the other one, but you should be able to see a few ways to approach that once you've read through the documentation a bit.



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