Here's what they say on their website:

Macromedia JRun supports the latest J2EE 1.3 APIs:

JSP 1.2 
JDBC 2.0 
JNDI 1.2 
JAAS 1.0 
JAXP 1.1 
Servlet 2.3 
JTA 1.0.1 
Java RMI 1.0 
JavaMail 1.1 
EJB 2.0 
JMS 1.0.2 
JMX 1.0 

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Gainty
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: 1/14/2006 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: [shale] starting server errors

sorry for hiking mid-conversation but I assume you are supporting
2.3 and you are running JRun4?



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Craig McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <>
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 1:38 AM
Subject: Re: [shale] starting server errors

On 1/12/06, Garner, Shawn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Googled and couldn't find anything and not sure what to try and still
> this error:
> 01/12 16:16:18 error Error loading class for Filter shale: Filter is
> disabled.
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Factories configured for this
> Application - typically this is because a context listener is not
setup in
> your web.xml.
> A typical config looks like this;
> <listener>
> </lis
> tener-class>
> </listener>
>         at javax.faces.FactoryFinder.getFactory(
> Any help?

Sounds like JRun is not obeying the spec requirements about recognizing
<listener> element inside a TLD that is inside a JAR file.  Both the JSF
and MyFaces implementations rely on this to implicitly register their
servlet context listener implementations that do the configuration step.

Temporary workaround is to declare the appropriate listener class in

Permanent solution is to bug the JRun guys to obey the specs.


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