Gary VanMatre wrote:
I'll direct you to the shale usecase example instead of duplicating in this 
response but this is the minimum stack to use Clay.
Added jars:
  * JSF archives (myfaces or RI)
  * Common-chains.jar
  * shale-core.jar
  * shale-clay.jar
Web.xml * Common Chains – Loads a couple clay preprocess commands * Clay common full XML configuration resources.
* (Optional) Clay common full XML configuration resources.
* Shale Application Controller Filter Mapping
* Common Chains Configuration Startup Listener
* Faces Servlet Mappings

The problem with the usecases is that there is one webapp that includes all the features of Shale. It is difficult to say, "Okay, I just want to play with Clay right now. What do I need to do?" At least for a new comer to Shale. For instance, my problem was that I stripped out everything I didn't think I needed. From what I understood commons-chains was mostly being used for the remoting support so I removed it from the web.xml and got rid of the configuration. It was only because of your description of the stack above that I dug a little deeper and found that commons-chain is needed by some core parts of Shale, and is especially important for Clay.

So, I now have a working simple Shale Clay setup with just a single file that I can start to explore with and find out what Shale Clay can do. I've attached the project for anyone else that is interested but finds the usecases as daunting as I did.


Attachment: shale-clay-example.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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