Great minds think alike
Fools seldom differ

I've already gone down almost exactly this track and while it does work I am
currently using the deprecated saveErrors() method.

Will give your request.setAttribute() method a try as well.

This basically means I am not using the Validator. Sticking everything in
the Action negates all the advantages of getting this stuff unbound.

Ohh well, maybe I can't have everything. At the moment I'll settle for
something that works.


-----Original Message-----
From: Vasumathi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 24 January 2006 9:42 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Struts, Tiles and the Validator

dont change anything in struts_config.xml.
write your validation in action itself instead of writing in validation.xml 
for your Form.

if(id == null){

try this, let me the result pls.
with regards

Quoting Martin Ravell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Thanks for the post Vasumathi
> I don't quite follow what you are saying however.
> Since I use Tiles with my struts the page that contains my form is
> by an Action executing (I use an Action which extends DispatchAction).
> If the Validation fails (there are fields that do not meet their
> validations
> rules) I need to go back to what is in the 'input' option of the action
> element.
> As far as I can work out this needs to be a jsp.
> It cannot however be a jsp since it is my Action that ties me into a tiles
> definition which produces the form.
> I've tried putting thigns like '/' into the input
> option of the action element but this refuses to work.
> Any ideas?
> Regards
> Marty
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vasumathi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, 24 January 2006 4:44 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Struts, Tiles and the Validator
> Hi
>   you try like this in struts_config.xml and tiles_sam.xml file.
> <action path="/Sample" name="sampleForm" scope="request"        
> type="controller.admin.action.SampleAction" validate="true" 
> input="/admin/icf/sample.jsp">
>       <forward name="failure" path="/admin/icf/sample.jsp" 
> </action>
> in tiles for this sample.jsp
> <definition name="sample.icf" extends="base.project.admin" >
>               <put name="header" value="heading" />
>               <put name="header_detail" value="Sample" />
>               <put name="menu" value="/admin/template/menu_blank.jsp" />
>               <put name="body" value="/admin/icf/sample.jsp" />
>               <put name="footer" value="Status: Sample page"/>
>       </definition>
> this may help u....
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