Rafael Nami wrote:
You can use Cewolf, that is a Servlet and a Taglib that uses JFreeChart to
produce graphics.

Best Regards

Rafael Mauricio Nami
I tried to use CeWolf to generate chart , but i faced some big problems.
indeed i am developing a jsf portlet , and the reason that i post this question here was that in my last project which was struts base i find too much help here.
I tried Jenia4faces (it works like cewolf but it is jsf not jsp tags)
Unfortunetly i have a problem that i describe here :

My problem is about using a Chart library which works well in jsf
but it does not works in JSF portlets.
I think i find the problem but i do not know the solution.
to use this charting library we should add a servlet to web.xml

something like :

  <servlet-name>Jenia internal servlet</servlet-name>
  <servlet-name>Jenia internal servlet</servlet-name>

so , when we try to load a chart , it will make the chart image source
something like :


in the above sample , adv is the name of web application which is
deployed in a servlet container.
and filter applied to make the chart render-able.

*to use the chart library in jsf portlet , i add the servlet
description as i did for web application , so i add*

  <servlet-name>Jenia internal servlet</servlet-name>
  <servlet-name>Jenia internal servlet</servlet-name>

to my portlet web.xml file.

when we have portlet , the url to access that portlet (which indeed is a
web application) changes
for example url for a sample portlet with same web application name
will be like

as you can see there are some prefix to web application name in the url
, but when i use chart component to show
same chart , it still look for the chart in url like :


As you may already sugest , the image will not render because browser is
looking in wrong place.
now i think if i find some way to map that servlet to correct url
pattern it will works.

my question is :
1-what will be new servlet url pattern ?
2-is my assumption correct ?

after i searched and asked a bit i find that i can make my charts using a servlet to produce image and a simple img tag.

Thank you for advice.

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