Hello again,

Mi purpose is establish this in order to call ejb in jboss from tomcat

For user authentication i need

   user + password + country

user and password come from de login page and country form de last from
www.google (.es  |  us |  fr ) and so (http header host)

gracias :)

2006/1/27, Prashanth.S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> whats your appserver??
>   Iam working on a project using websphere app server and it has admin
> configurations wherein you can set websphere to authenticate using different
> authentication mechanisms[ex:Basic,Form,client-cert etc] aganist different
> user information repository[Ex:windows/solaris user registry,Any directory
> server using LDAP]..Everything is just configuration..No coding is
> necessary...
>   So see what your container provides before building on custom
> solutions..
>   Rgds
>   Prashanth
> Luis Gervaso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Hello all,
> I need help about authentication problem
> The scenario is:
> When user login is necessary consult database to obtain user information
> in
> order to store this in the HttpSession
> I hope to integrate this with container based security in order to use
> getUserPrincipal, etc
> if we use j_security_check we aren't be able to consult database in the
> same
> request
> regards
> --
> Un saludo
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Un saludo

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