>From: Jason Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Thanks for the response. 
> The header.jsp does indeed have the page directive at the top. 
> the include.jsp has the taglib includes in it. 
> There are other items in the header.jsp that are using the JSF-EL to 
> access attributes in the session that are rendering fine, so I know 
> the JSP is getting rendered as a jsp. hmmmm. 
> for your other suggestion, using the include directive would "may" not 
> work for me as the header file is included by other jsps that are in 
> different levels of directories. I had chossen to do the jsp:include 
> over the directive, because of previous relative urls in the header, 
> that are now gone. I'll give it a shot - but I'd prefer to figure out 
> why the jsp:include isn't working as expected. 

Oh, I didn't know what level you were on.  I was hoping it was 
something simple.

> I think my issue is that the backing bean isn't getting instantiated 
> on the request for the subview. Is there some rule about how subviews 
> can't talk to different backing beans? Perhaps Shale is doing 
> something to the request? 

There is no restriction on the number of backing beans for a view/subview.  
I don't think that Shale has anything to do with this issue and I suspect that
if you removed Shale you would still have the same issue.

You should be seeing an exception if JSF can't find the managed bean.  
That's why I asked about the quality of the JSP you are dynamically 

Is here a parent JSP tag that is not visible, rendered="false"?
If a parent tag is not visible, the children will not be renderered 
and your callback won't be invoked.


> Any further ideas? 
> Jason 

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