Maybe it happens when the error is not thrown by Struts, so try to use the JSP directive <%@ page isErrorPage="true" %> which give you access to the implicit variable exception.

You can also use a exception handler :

<exception type="java.lang.Throwable"

package com.ddd;

public class GlobalExceptionHandler extends ExceptionHandler {

   public ActionForward execute(Exception ex,
           ExceptionConfig exConfig,
           ActionMapping mapping,
           ActionForm formInstance,
           HttpServletRequest request,
           HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException {
/* your custom code */ return super.execute(ex, exConfig, mapping, formInstance, request, response);


Michael Davis wrote:


I'm working on a struts application which has just been deployed and is
being used by a large number of users. I've got an error handler set up
using the global-exceptions tag. It sends me an email whenever it
catches an exception.

My config looks like this:

                <exception type="java.lang.Throwable"

And my code does this:

Throwable e = (Throwable) request.getAttribute( Globals.EXCEPTION_KEY );

(remember that Globals.EXCEPTION_KEY is

Now my problem is that about half the time, e is null, so I can't
determine where the exception happened or even what it is.

Somehow struts is able to invoke my error handler, but sometimes does it
without setting Globals.EXCEPTION_KEY in the request. When does that
happen? How can I figure out what caused the error to happen?

thanks very much,
Michael from Ottawa

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