Hi Joscar,

      In this occasion I can't help you, but as now I know that you are in
this list, I will try pay attention in all mails that I will receive.

      Saludos tío.

                      "Moreno Herranz,                                          
                      Jose Luis"               To:       Struts Users Mailing 
List <user@struts.apache.org>                            
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        cc:                             
                      om>                      bcc:                             
                                               Subject:  html:file 
                      03/02/2006 09:12                                          
                      Please respond to                                         
                      "Struts Users                                             
                      Mailing List"                                             

Hi everybody.
I've got something like that

<[EMAIL PROTECTED] import="es.mcs.datos.colectivos.SalidaDesCod"%>
<[EMAIL PROTECTED] import="java.util.*"%>

function refresh(){
             document.forms[0].action = "refrescaPersonasColectivo.do";
//this is
the same action that loads this jsp in order

//to refresh the page with the data of the html:file

<html:form action="/calcularCuotas" method="post"
enctype="multipart/form-data" >

             <html:file property="ficheroImportar"  value="*.*"/>
             <html:submit onclick="javascript:refresh()">Load


The problem is that i can load an external file, call the same action that
loads this page and reload this page with the data of the external file (an
Excel file in this case).
But if i do this once again, i get an OutOfMemoryError exception.

I dont know what is the cause, because i've got a FormFile in the
and i include a statement setting the corresponding FormFile property to
null in the reset() method.
Everythig seems to be ok.

Can anybody help me?

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