I was looking at the examples at
<http://struts.apache.org/struts-tiles/examples.html>  and I didn't really
see a good example of what I was looking for.


I'm doing something like this for every page:

file: somepage.jsp 

<%@ taglib uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-tiles"; prefix="tiles" %>


<tiles:insert template="layout.jsp">

  <tiles:put name="title"  value="This is the title." />

  <tiles:put name="header" value="header.jsp" />

  <tiles:put name="body"   direct="true" >


        <!-- Page Content Goes Here -->




  <tiles:put name="footer" value"footer.jsp"/>



However this seems kind of repetitive since the only thing that changes from
page to page is the title and body and would like to do something like this:


file: WEB-INF/tiles-defs.xml

< tiles:definition name="templateDefinition" path="/layout.jsp">

  <tiles:put name="title"  value="This is the title." />

  <tiles:put name="header" value="header.jsp" />

  <tiles:put name="body"   value="body.jsp" />

  <tiles:put name="footer" value"footer.jsp"/>



file: somepage.jsp 

<%@ taglib uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-tiles"; prefix="tiles" %>


<tiles:definition name="thisPage" extends="templateDefinition">

        <tiles:put name="title" value="This Pages Overriden Title"/>

        <tiles:put name="body">


               <!-- Page Content Goes Here -->       





<tiles:insert beanName="thisPage" />



Is this possible?






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