I am writing this mail after spending a lot of time struggling with the
stuff mentioned in subject line.

My Setup

1. myEclipse IDE
2. Struts Version 1.1
3. JDK 1.5
4. Jboss 3.2.5 (Please don't ask me to go to Jboss mailing list :-( )

5. SQL Server 2000 (This server is running on a remote win 2000 server)

I am developing this application on a win 2K prof environ.

The Requirement:

Using the above I simply want to print the records of any table in my SQL
Server 2K DB.

The problem:
I am not able to do the above. I have tried changing some files in Jboss. I
have copied some jars of DB Drivers in WEB-INF/lib folder etc.

If any of you are using the above environment or have knowledge about the
same then please tell me the procedure in steps to achieve the above
mentioned target.

Thanks in advance 

Jitendra Kumar

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