We could use some help from people that have experience internationalizing their Struts applications. I'd like to find out what the best practice is for handling these three cases:

1. One or more large paragraphs of text.

2. Text that has markup language or HTML tags mixed in, for example image tags, links or anchor tags, etc.

3. Text that has Struts or JSTL tags mixed in.

What has people found to be the easiest to maintain?

Is the markup language stored in the message resources file?

Or, is the text broken up into chunks, which is stored in the message resources file and the markup language stays in the JSP files?

If the text is broken into chunks, what happens when the sentence structure changes for a different language?

If a large paragraph of text is stored in messages resources file, is there a way to wrap it so it is easier to maintain?

Are there any other pitfalls we need to look for?

I have researched this issue all day on the Web, and have found no information that addresses these issues. I have also looked at several books and they don't address them either.

Please share your experiences and practices.  We greatly appreciated it.


Keith Fetterman                          206-780-5670
Mariner Supply, Inc.                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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