>Today I upgraded to the latest nightly build (2/13) for shale-core and
>shale-clay.  It seems my clay onchange properties are being omitted
>now.  Not sure in which nightly they stopped working.  Anyone else
>having this problem?
><component jsfid='mySelectOne" extends="selectOneMenu">
>     <attributes>
>          <set name="binding" value="#{myBean.widget}"/>
>          <set name="onchange" value="this.form.submit()"/>
>    </attributes>
>onchange does not get rendered for above example.  I think it may have
>to do with the recent work on binding because my example does include
>this attribute and I know it was worked on recently.
The new binding code doesn't apply any attribute values to the bound 
component.  I figured that all of the component property values needed
to be set in code for bound attributes?  I'm ok with letting clay do
its standard setup but what might happen is that a value set in code
might get overridden by a configuration param.  

Any thoughts?



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