On 2/14/06, Gary VanMatre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > OK. We're working with IBM's RSA IDE (which uses Eclipse underneath).
> > I'm just trying to fit into my mind how to organize the two root source
> > directories in that environment. We have a Web Project set up that
> > contains the application code to be tested. Normally, we just export
> > our application (including a J2EE Application project, which refers to
> > Web Project(s), EJB project(s), and Java Utility project(s)) to an EAR
> > file for deployment to the server, but we didn't want the test framework
> > stuff to be part of that export.
> >
> A new feature to RSA (I guess new to eclipse 3.x) is the ability to create
> links outside of a project.  This is pretty handy for linking in source
> folders that are not under a project.

Or, you could just use NetBeans :-)

Seriously, NetBeans cleanly supports a parallel structure for runtime
sources (src/java) and test sources (src/test).  Indeed, the Shale sources
themselves conform to this pattern -- take a look at the organziation of the
"use-cases" example app, for instance.  Works great, even with a freeform
Ant script (as this particular directory has).  It didn't even need to be a
formal NB project.


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