> Isn't that functionally what the MyFaces <t:saveState> component does?

Yes, but <t:saveState> requires that you get the page author involved.  From
an architectural viewpoint, I don't think that's necessarily the right
answer (in many cases) where the state being saved and restored is server
side model state as opposed to view state.

- Brendan


-----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Craig
> McClanahan
> Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 3:26 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [shale] datatables request scope
> [snip]
> One idea I've seen discussed, but haven't seen actually implemented yet,
> would be a JSF-specific implementation of the "flash" concept in RoR,
> where
> it keeps state information around for exactly *one* more request for
> you.
> It should be easy to do this with a specialized variable resolver or
> something ... I'll think about how to do that when dialogs are heavier
> weight than you really need.  Something along the lines of this in the
> second page:
>    <h:outputText value="#{flash.savedCustomerName}"/>
> where "savedCustomerName" was stored away (until the next request) by
> some
> TBD mechanism.
> Craig
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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