Thanks for your suggestion !
But I got it solved this way !

1..I made sure new Project is xml file is created and referenced in 
{TomcatDir}\conf\Catalina\localhost or server.xml,, which ever way you 
launce your     app.
2. in my eclipse workspace tomcat project directory (dot).tomcatplugin 
file has correct reference to project and
3. This is what gave me grief .. make sure your project is selected in 
eclipse under windows-->preferences-->tomcat-->Sourcepath. If not select 
4, restart your tomcat.

I believe tomcat-plugin SysDeo  is not taking care of refactoring/renaming 
causes problem.


02/15/2006 01:18 PM
Please respond to "Struts Users Mailing List"

        To:     "Struts Users Mailing List" <>
        Subject:        Re: Eclipse sysdeo tomcat debug question !

I have had the same issue with renaming my eclipse project. I don't 
presume to
know what xml descriptor file got left out of the refactor process but the
only way I found to resolve it was to create a new project and copy the 
project files into it. 

Bryan LaPlante

---------- Original Message -----------
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <>
Sent: Wed, 15 Feb 2006 11:49:53 -0500
Subject: Eclipse sysdeo tomcat debug question !

> I   Know this is not right group to ask this question !
> But I am desperate !
> I had working  struts application  in eclipse 3.1.1 with SysDeo tomcat 
> plug-in.
> I was able to step debug until I refactored Tomcat project name to 
> different name.
> Now  my app(tomcat)  comes up through eclipse but I am not able to step 
> debug in ActionDispatch class.
> Pls. help if anyone knows about this.
> Also if I get right user group pointer also would help !
> Thanks
> Digant
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