>From: lisaan markuen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hi., 
> I'm trying CLAY and fed up with displaying dynamic 
> datatable (list) coming from my managed bean (already 
> went through the examples but no success yet). 
> Could anyone please give me an example snippet of how 
> to insert jsfid into the mock html code so that I 
> could achieve same like: 
> JSF code: 
><h:dataTable value="#{managedBean.list}"  var="item">
 ><h:outputText value="#{item.property}"

I'll give you a couple options.  My first recommendation would be to use the 
tomahawk dataList component.

Clay configuration definition for the tomahawk dataList:
 <component jsfid="t:dataList" componentType="org.apache.myfaces.HtmlDataList" 
   <set name="id" bindingType="VB" />
   <set name="binding" bindingType="VB" />
   <set name="forceId" bindingType="VB" />
   <set name="forceIdIndex" bindingType="VB" />
   <set name="value" bindingType="VB" />
   <set name="var" bindingType="VB" />
   <set name="rows" bindingType="VB" />
   <set name="first" bindingType="VB" />
   <set name="enabledOnUserRole" bindingType="VB" />
   <set name="visibleOnUserRole" bindingType="VB" />
   <set name="layout" bindingType="VB" />
   <set name="rowIndexVar" bindingType="VB" />
   <set name="rowCountVar" bindingType="VB" />

HTML using tomahawk dataList:
        <span jsfid="t:dataList" id="data1"
             value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
             rowIndexVar="rowIndex" allowBody="true">
             <span jsfid="outputText" value="#{person.firstName}"/>&nbsp;
             <span jsfid="outputText" value="#{person.lastName}"/>
             <span jsfid="t:htmlTag" value="br" rendered="#{(rowIndex != 
(rowCount - 1))}"/> 

Another option is to use the clayForEach component.

Clay configuration definition:
   <component jsfid="myItem" extends="outputText">
            <set name="value" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"/>

The var attribute in the example below is like the JSTL var attribute. 
It's the name of a map that will be placed in session scope.  It will be
populated from the value EL, a value binding expression that returns a 
Map, List or Object[].  The bodyJsfid attribute is the content that
will be repeated for each item in the value list.
<span jsfid="clayForEach" var="mySessionScopedMap" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 

This is probably more helpful when the bodyJsfid is a html template.  
<tr jsfid="clayForEach" var="mySessionScopedMap" value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 

html template file myItem.html:
<tr><td>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</td></tr>


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