Hi all,

I got a problem, so I need all your help :(


I want my Struts app to have default language is Vietnamese, but I couldn't :(

I have 3 files below:
+ mylanguage.properties <--- Vietnamese file
+ mylanguage_ja.properties <--- Japanese file
+ mylanguage_en.properties <--- English file

I have a action which include these code:

Local myLocal = getLocale(request);

locale = new Locale(request.getParameter("language");

HttpSession session = request.getSession();
session.setAttribute(Globals.LOCALE_KEY, locale);

in struts-config.xml
<message-resources parameter="properties.mylanguage"/>

but my webapp still use English language default :( ...

I want my webapp use Vietnamese language by default, how can I do that, help me 

thanks in advance


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