
Last week we migrated our Struts 1.0 application to 1.2.8. As far as we 
can tell, we correctly followed the migration steps inbetween.
Since the migration we have noticed the following weird behaviour:
upon submitting a form from a jsp to as struts form/action, the method 
processPopulate of RequestProcessor will increase memory usage on our 
windows box by some 30M for each call. Unfortunately, this extra memory is 
not freed, not even after waiting more than say one hour. After a few such 
requests, needless to say, this produces OutOfMemoryErrors.
I pinpointed the memory usage to this method by setting 
log4j.logger.org.apache.struts=DEBUG in my log4j.properties. In the log, 
after form submission, the following info appears:

DEBUG: RequestUtils.createActionForm.300 ->  --> 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (21 feb 2006 17:59:31,156) 
DEBUG: RequestProcessor.processActionForm.327 ->  Storing ActionForm bean 
instance in scope 'request' under attribute key 'incidentForm' (21 feb 
2006 17:59:31,156) 
DEBUG: RequestProcessor.processPopulate.793 ->  Populating bean properties 
from this request (21 feb 2006 17:59:35,616) 
DEBUG: CommonsMultipartRequestHandler.getRepositoryPath.388 -> File upload 
temp dir: 
C:\dev\workspace-reconstruct-hibernate\Attend\work\org\apache\jsp (21 feb 
2006 17:59:35,772) 

What could be the cause of this excessive memory increase?

Could it be that the entire Struts config is accidentally reloaded because 
of a problem in our configuration?


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