I have a struts application in which I use the message resources for
most of my view pages. Using bean:message, etc.

All is good. But I have created some tag libraries, in which run in
the same struts app, and I need to get to them. I know you can get the
properties from an action class through the struts api ... but is
there anyway to get them from the application context, when you are in
a tag.

When I look through the struts api, it looks like struts is storing it
in the application context ... but I am not sure where or how I can
get them. In Mesage Resources Configurtion it shows this:

key - ServletContext attribute key to store this bundle.
[org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE] (optional)

But it was my knowledge tht key was just another property file, and
you can use the key when using the property.

Any help would be appreciated.

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