That is display problem. You can use css to make the field gray or red

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 3:57 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: How to retain form data when disabling input in html:text

Thanks Craig:
        I worked for what I wanted to achieve.
        Only with read-only property setting, it does not grey out input
text field.
        I have to find out what to set so that it changes appearance
when read-only property is set.

"Craig McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
02/21/2006 05:14 PM
Please respond to "Struts Users Mailing List"

        To:     "Struts Users Mailing List" <>
        Subject:        Re: How to retain form data when disabling input
in html:text

> I have <html:text property="bucketName" disabled="true"  size="40"/> I

> populate html:text with data from DB.
> I want to disable input for this property, but when I get form data 
> back in Action form bean does not have data for
> property "bucketName"
> How do i retain data after disabling input in html:text.

Short answer ... you cannot.  By defintion in HTML, disabled fields are
not sent to the server, so the server has no opportunity to keep them
for you.
On the other hand, if you make the field read only instead of disabled,
the value *will* be sent to the server ... but the user will not be able
to edit it.



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