On 2/22/06, Fali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Moosbauer, I use MappingDispatchActions and they work fine for me. I enter 
> the name of the method in the actual Action definition in the 
> struts-config.xml using the attribute called "parameter" ... ... Once in the 
> mapped method, I know what button of the form that was clicked by the user 
> because I have added an entry in my DynaForm to collect it.

Why do you need an entry in the form if you are already in the proper method?

data property... date property I have set up my buttons in this shape:
Later, in my function, I know what button was pressed because the
pressed one will return a non null value when I get it from the form
String submitReturnValue = form.get("_submitform") String
revertReturnValue = form.get("_revertform") This might be a different
approach than the one that originally you are taking, but I hope that
it will work for you..... Fali

What is this for, if you already has been taken to a proper method?

MappingDispatchAction allows to specify only one method in "parameter"
attribute, therefore you need as many mappings in struts-config.xml
file as many methods you want to map. I don't see this as a benefit.

ParameterListActionDispatcher that I referred to in my previous email
is better because it allows to define a whole bunch of methods in a
single mapping. Also, your action class does not need to extend a
specific dispatch action to use dispatch services.

I use ParameterListActionDispatcher and it rules!


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