Quick question --

The JAVA_OPTS line you have below starts with "rem" which indicates a
remark in batch files. That would indicate that the line isn't getting
executed. If you remove the "rem," does that help?


-----Original Message-----
From: Max Cooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:37 PM
Cc: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: debuging in eclipse

You can use whatever port you want, just make sure the port number in
the script that starts JBoss matches the port that you have in your
Eclipse debug configuration.

I suppose the "default" port for JBoss is whatever it is set to in the
comment in the run script (8787?). The default in the maven-jboss-plugin
is something different (4142). But again, it really does not matter as
long as you have the same port specified in the script and in Eclipse.


On Thu, 2006-02-23 at 09:38 +0530, Shasirekha Engala wrote:
> Hi Chandra
>  I am using Jboss with Eclipse and the operating system I am using is 
> windows XP. In jboss/bin/run.bat file the java options are specified 
> as
> rem set JAVA_OPTS=-classic -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE 
> -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=y 
> but still I get the same problem
> here for address there are different values. In some places I see 
> 8787, in some 8000 .... . Can I get some information about what should

> it actually be?
> Thanks and Regards
> Shasi.
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:44 PM
> To: user@struts.apache.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: debuging in eclipse
> Is your server(i.e tomcat or Jboss or whatever) running and listening 
> for debugging connections?
> here is how I use Tomcat, JBoss and Eclipse to build and debug 
> applications.
> Which ever platform you are using (tomcat or JBoss) you need to start 
> them with the JPDA debugging enabled. For tomcat this is very easy. In

> the $CATALINA_HOME/bin directory there is a script catalina.sh. If you

> provide the arguments 'jpda start' tomcat will startup and listen on 
> port 8000 for a debugger connection.
> With JBoss its only slightly more complicated. Basically you need to 
> specify the JAVA_OPTS to have java start up listening for debugger 
> connections. I typically copy the $JBOSS_HOME/bin/run.sh to 
> $JBOSS_HOME/bin/run-debug.sh but you can just as easily setup the 
> JAVA_OPTS environment variable and use the run.sh script.
> The value of JAVA_OPTS needs have -Xdebug 
> -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=4142,suspend=n
> here is the official info on the connection arguments:
> http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/guide/jpda/conninv.html
> Once you have JBoss or Tomcat running and listening for debugging 
> connections you are good to go for connectin with Eclipse. Ofcourse 
> you need have mention the same listen port in your 'debug launch 
> configuration'  of eclipse.
> Hope this will help.
> Chandra
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shasirekha Engala [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 5:37 PM
> To: user@struts.apache.org
> Subject: Reg: debuging in eclipse
> Hi
> I have some problem related to eclipse. When I am trying to debug my 
> struts application I am getting the error as "Failed to connect to 
> remote VM".
> Can I get solution to this problem.
> Regards
> Shasi
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