I bet a box of chocolates you forgot to define or badly defined the
logic taglib in your .jsp header :)


>I have a form with a List and want to show the values on my JSP. But when I
>start my JSP the bean "id" cannot be found in any scopy. I dont understand
>why struts is looking for a bean "id" this is only my id value of the
>iterate tag of my JSP. Here is my JSP code:
> <logic:iterate name="chooseFormIDForm" id="id" property="forms"
>type="de.FVKN.FormBean" scope="session">
>       <tr align="left">
>        <td>
>            <html:text name="id" property="formID" />
>        </td>
>        <td>
>           <html:text name="id" property="formkey" />
>         </td>
>       </tr>
> </logic:iterate>
>-chooseFormIDForm is the name of my Form
>-the id is my variable for iterating over my List
>-the property forms is my List with the FormBean Objekts inside
>Why do I get cannot find bean "id" in any scope Error?
>Hope anyone can help because I looking for hours for a solution :-(
>Thanks for your help.

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