Morten Andersen wrote:
> This I would implement in RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(...)
> where I check the users role for the specific page and based on that get
> the respons taylored for that role and check whether they may do what
> they intend.

> Example: Some users may edit a page. Who that may edit the page varies
> over time. The users role on the page is set per page.
> As far as I understand Realm only checks whether the user may use a
> specific method (action). No finegrained access-control is possible.

How fine-grained do you want it? If the Realm stuff allows method-level
access that seems finer-grain than URL, but I think I'm just not
completely understanding your question.

If you want _fine_-grained access control drop Spring on top of Struts
and use Acegi.


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